Andy Clyde credited as playing...
California Carson
- California Carson: Where yuh goin', Hoppy?
- Hopalong Cassidy: Whatta you care?
- [angrily]
- Hopalong Cassidy: The Ranger Service! Forty dollars a month and free taps when you die! It's all yours! You can have it!... And this Captain Jennings we're supposed to respect! I'd have gotten a better deal from any sidewinding half-breed in the country!
- Ranger Captain Jennings: [suddenly appearing] Kind of sneaky, isn't it, talking about a man when his back is turned!
- Hopalong Cassidy: Well, your back isn't turned now!
- [he slaps Jennings across the face]
- Ranger Captain Jennings: We'll just make that suspension permanent.
- [he takes Hoppy's badge]
- Hopalong Cassidy: That's all right with me!
- [he leaves]