The plot for "Teen Age" has Jim Murray (Wheeler Oakman), former Boss Gangster of a high class gambling established, getting out of prison following a ten-year stretch. This Jim Murray is supposed to be the Jim Miller from "Gambling With Souls" but, via stock footage from "Slaves in Bondage" he is really Frank "Lucky" Wilder, but we're not supposed to know that and the reason the "Slaves in Bondage" footage is used is to show why the Jim Miller of "Gambling With Souls" has been away in prison for ten years, but since they also used footage from "Gambling With Souls" in which he is called Jim Miller by name, he is called Jim Murray in "Teen Age" because he is not called Frank Wilder by name in the footage used from "Slaves" footage. We didn't write it...we're just reporting it.
So Frank Wilder/Jim Miller/Jim Murray comes home to Smallville and finds that his son Dan Murray (Johnny Duncan) is one rotten little apple indeed, and Dan has good teen-agers following him down the path to JUVENILE DELINQUENCY, and Frank/Jim/Jim has just about got the kid reformed when some other rotten delinquent, Eddie Quentin (Fred Towns), dusts Dan off in one of the first drive-bys...and, dang if Frank/Jim/Jim isn't blamed for icing his own kid. Now, it is well known far and wide to one and all that most characters played by Wheeler Oakman barely hesitate before knocking anybody off, blood relatives included, so Frank/Jim/Jim is facing one hard struggle in trying to prove his innocence in this affair, especially since the son is played by Johnny Duncan, and the District Attorney is giving some consideration to allowing Frank/Jim/Jim to cop a justifiable homicide charge, just on the basis of being the parent of any kid played by Johnny Duncan.
Bottom line: Don't even think about watching "Teen Age" if you haven't seen "Slaves in Bondage" and "Gambling with Souls" first. Life is too short to be complicated by worrying about where all these people in "Teen Age" came from. And don't watch it all if you don't have Microsoft Excel to use to build a cast/crew database.