De weg die voor ons ligt (1944)
Hugh Burden: Pte. Bill Parsons
Pvt. Herbert Davenport : By the way, Parsons, I think it might be less, shall I say, embarrassing to both of us if we forget and disregard any differences in status which may have existed at the store.
Pte. Bill Parsons : Yes, sir. Thank you.
Pvt. Herbert Davenport : I must say I think you're very, to put it mildly, thoughtless of the powers that be to allow such a situation to arise.
Pte. Bill Parsons : Oh I do agree, sir.
Pvt. Herbert Davenport : After all it's not as if my activities were confined to toys - I was in charge of officers' kit.
Pte. Bill Parsons : And garden ornaments.
Pvt. Herbert Davenport : I know, but it's the offices kit which makes er, well it doesn't matter...
Pvt. Herbert Davenport : Sorry Parsons, but it's been agreed by the company that Mr Thyrtle in the bargain basement will deal with all deferments now, so if you care to go and see him...? But you must realise you know, there's a war on. Only key men are deferred now.
Pte. Bill Parsons : Oh, I understand sir, but do you think there's a chance that Mr Thyrtle might do something? You see, my wife...
Pvt. Herbert Davenport : We've lost Collins from Refrigerators and Barker from Winter Sports this week. There was nothing Mr. Thyrtle could do for them.
Pte. Bill Parsons : I see, sir.
Pvt. Herbert Davenport : I'm sorry, Parsons.
[Reads his own call-up papers and grabs telephone]
Pvt. Herbert Davenport : Mr Thyrtle, please, quickly!
Pvt. Ted Brewer : I can't understand it - the government puts up walls with broken glass on top to protect its property, then trains blokes to get across it, at its own expense.
Pte. Luke : At our expense, man. We're just cogs in a great machine - we pay for our own discomfort.
Pvt. Herbert Davenport : These living conditions are most insanitary!
Pte. Sid Beck : Not if we keep all the doors and windows open.
Pvt. Herbert Davenport : I can't sleep with the windows open!
Pte. Bill Parsons : How is your stomach, Mr Davenport?
Pvt. Herbert Davenport : Acute.
Pte. Bill Parsons : Hmmmm. That'll be the worry.
Pte. Luke : It's your bowels. Driving a tractor for a week would it right for you.
Pvt. Herbert Davenport : Are you a farmer, then?
Pte. Luke : I wouldnae be here if I was. I worked on a farm though. They have a lassie doing my job now.
Pte. Bill Parsons : Any truth in the rumour, sir that the Sergeant Major's got bronchitis?
Lt. Jim Perry : He's just lost his voice on parade.
Pte. Geoffrey Stainer : Shouting, sir?
Lt. Jim Perry : Just giving orders, Stainer.