John Laurie credited as playing...
Pte. Luke
- Pte. Luke: Oh well. I've come to a conclusion.
- Pvt. Ted Brewer: What's that?
- Pte. Luke: I don't like the army.
- Pvt. Ted Brewer: I can't understand it - the government puts up walls with broken glass on top to protect its property, then trains blokes to get across it, at its own expense.
- Pte. Luke: At our expense, man. We're just cogs in a great machine - we pay for our own discomfort.
- Pvt. Herbert Davenport: These living conditions are most insanitary!
- Pte. Sid Beck: Not if we keep all the doors and windows open.
- Pvt. Herbert Davenport: I can't sleep with the windows open!
- Pte. Bill Parsons: How is your stomach, Mr Davenport?
- Pvt. Herbert Davenport: Acute.
- Pte. Bill Parsons: Hmmmm. That'll be the worry.
- Pte. Luke: It's your bowels. Driving a tractor for a week would it right for you.
- Pvt. Herbert Davenport: Are you a farmer, then?
- Pte. Luke: I wouldnae be here if I was. I worked on a farm though. They have a lassie doing my job now.
- Buster - Marjorie's Boyfriend: Been in long?
- Pvt. Ted Brewer: Seven weeks. Seems like years.
- Buster - Marjorie's Boyfriend: I know.
- Pte. Geoffrey Stainer: What are you in? Bombers?
- Buster - Marjorie's Boyfriend: No, fighters.
- Pvt. Ted Brewer: On leave?
- Buster - Marjorie's Boyfriend: Sick leave.
- Pte. Evan Lloyd: You're lucky. We could do with a bit of that. How did you wangle it?
- Pte. Luke: Really sick, eh?
- Buster - Marjorie's Boyfriend: Well, shot up a bit.