Sam Katzman and William Beaudine are two of the immortals of Poverty Row,and Voodoo Man is the literal definition the of the movie that is sooo bad that it's a great picture.Katzman's Banner Productions filmed Voodoo Man in 7 days in October of 1943 for Monogram Studios.What sets this apart is the appearance of Bela Lugosi, George Zucco, and John Carradine in the lead roles and all three are at their rip roarin', hammiest, and over the top best in this little horror opus.Beaudine was the acknowledged master of turning out "Economical" but extremely watchable B movies.
Lugosi is the sinister doctor who is channeling Snidely Whiplash. He would twirl his mustache if he had one and yell"curses, foiled again" at every setback. Zucco is a gas station manager and voodoo high priest who scouts out young ladies and potential victims for the doctor and chants an unrecognizable gibberish in the background much of the time. during the transference ceremony. Carradine portrays Lugosi's dimwitted gofer and bongo drum player. In a lesser actors hands the role would be a total embarrassment but Carridine is able to sell it.The scene where Carridine gets a closeup playing the bongo is so over the top that it is classical. His character really believes in the magic of the ceremony.
Micheal Ames AKA Tod Andrews, Wanda McKay,and Louise Currie do a commendable job with their roles, particularly Currie whose character is forced through the voodoo ceremony then wanders the countryside in a zombie like state while wearing flimsy and very sexy nightgown. McKay was a Paramount contract actress who did a lot of screen work for Monogram during the 1940's.Currie was another talented actress who did a lot of work at the B studios in the 1940's. She had worked with Lugosi before in the Ape Man for Monogram.
The plot of Voodoo Man is less important then getting to watch Lugosi, Zucco, and Carridine go through their paces. They could make reading the ingredients to a can of soup sinister fun!Sam Katzman would would have probably made a feature film of them doing it if he had thought of it. With Beaudine directing of course!