Brief Encounter (1945)
Edward Hodge: Bill - First Soldier
Myrtle Bagot : [smacks her on the backside] Albert Godby, how dare you!
Albert Godby : I couldn't resist it!
Myrtle Bagot : Oh, well, trouble you for keeping your hands to yourself!
Albert Godby : Oh, you blushing - oh, you look wonderful when you're angry... just like an avenging angel.
Myrtle Bagot : I'll give you avenging angel!... Coming in here taking liberties!
Albert Godby : I thought last Monday, you said you wouldn't object to a friendly little slap.
Myrtle Bagot : Never mind about last Monday... I'm on duty now. And I should think to what would happen if Mr. Saunders should be looking through the window.
Albert Godby : Well, if Mr. Saunders happens to be looking through the window its about time he saw something worth looking at.
Myrtle Bagot : You ought to be ashamed of yourself!
Albert Godby : Oh, it's high spirit... don't be mad at me.
Myrtle Bagot : "High spirit" - indeed. Take your tea and be quiet.
Albert Godby : It's all your fault really.
Myrtle Bagot : I don't know to what your referring!
Albert Godby : ...I was thinking about tonight?
Myrtle Bagot : If you don't learn to behave yourself - there won't be a tonight. Or any other night either.
Albert Godby : Give us a kiss.
Myrtle Bagot : I'll do no such thing, the lady might see us!
Albert Godby : Come on a quick one across the counter!
Myrtle Bagot : Albert, stop it!
Albert Godby : [takes hold of her arms] Come on!
Myrtle Bagot : Let go of me, this minute Albert!
[he knocks over a plate of something]
Myrtle Bagot : look at me bamberys all over the floor!
Bill, First Soldier : [Bill walks in] Just in time - or born in the vestry.
Myrtle Bagot : You shut your mouth - and help Mr. Godby pick up 'em cakes! Come along now! What are you standing there gaping at?
Myrtle Bagot : I'm sorry, my license does not permit me to serve alcohol out of hours, that's final. You wouldn't want to get me in trouble, would you?
Bill, First Soldier : Just give us that chance, lady. That's all we ask. Just give us the chance.
Myrtle Bagot : Beryl, ask Mr. Godby to come here for a moment, will you?
Beryl Walters, Tea Room Assistant : Yes, Mrs. Bagot.
Bill, First Soldier : And who's he waiting to come?
Myrtle Bagot : You'll soon see! Coming here, cheeking me!
Johnnie, Second Soldier : Come on, here, mother, be a pal.
Myrtle Bagot : I'll give you mother! You saucy upstart!
Bill, First Soldier : Who you callin' an upstart?
Myrtle Bagot : You! And I'll trouble you get out of here double quick! Disturbing the customers and making a nuisance of yourselves.
Johnnie, Second Soldier : Hey, where's the fire? Where's the fire?
Albert Godby : Hop it, both of you.
Bill, First Soldier : We've got a right to stay here as long as we like.
Albert Godby : You 'eard what I said. Hop it!
Johnnie, Second Soldier : Now, look here, what is this? A free country or a bloomin' Sunday school?
Albert Godby : I checked you once at the gate. Your train's due in one minute, number two platform. Hop it!