Patric Knowles credited as playing...
Brett Harwood Earl of Carstairs
- Brett Harwood Earl of Carstairs: Shall we stroll?
- Thomas Gainsborough: The duchess was just saying how tired she was.
- Kitty: Oh, I don't mind walking a little longer, Tom.
- Brett Harwood Earl of Carstairs: [to Gainsborough] Of course, if you're tired, then you go on back to the studio. I'll see her grace home.
- Thomas Gainsborough: I'm not at all tired.
- Brett Harwood Earl of Carstairs: I see. Suppose the three of us stroll?
- Brett Harwood Earl of Carstairs: It's a lovely evening. How did it happen you're not working, Tom? I thought you preferred to paint by candlelight.
- Thomas Gainsborough: Yes, I do. But I'm not in the mood tonight. Besides, I was strolling with the duchess. But I have no intention of leaving her to you.
- Brett Harwood Earl of Carstairs: Testy old genius, aren't you?