Marsha Hunt (Evie) works for a company that makes shirts for soldiers. After witnessing a fellow worker finding true love after slipping a note into a shirt consignment and communicating with an unknown man in uniform - he turns up at the office one day and they walk off together for a life of romance - she tries the same trick. She picks a shirt size - size 16 1/2 collar, writes a note, slips it into the pocket and waits to see what happens. John Carroll (Wolf) gets the shirt but isn't interested and throws the note away. However, his buddy Hume Cronyn (Johnny), who is a lot smaller than Carroll, retrieves the letter and starts to correspond with Hunt. What will happen when Cronyn comes face to face with Hunt, after all, he is not what she is expecting. Cronyn decides to pretend to be someone else and so begins a series of misunderstandings.
The film moves along nicely and the cast are good, particularly Hunt and Cronyn. Occasionally, Carroll mangles his words but you can still make out what he is saying. It's a heart-warming romance peppered with light humour and it succeeds as we find ourselves rooting for the small guy.