Charles Kemper credited as playing...
- Tim: All you farmers is just the same. Gamblers! That's what you all are, to a man. Year after year you starve yourself to death and hope that some fine day - well, I think you're loco.
- Harmie: Me, I know what war is. When we was right close to Shadow Therry, the old Colonel, he brung us all together and he said...
- Tim: He said, "Young men, in civilian life, never brag about your conquests, whether they be love or war."
- Harmie: Shut up, young fella. I'm tellin' ya I know. And I know, I know.
- Tim: Hey, would you be interested in coming to work in the factory with me?
- Sam Tucker: Are you crazy? What would I do in a factory? I'm a farmer.
- Harmie: Tim just came back to show off his city clothes.
- Townsman: Yeah, just take a look at that fancy tie. Seems like in the city, dollars grow faster than beans in the field.
- Tim: Don't pay no mind to those yokels. Sam, I've been lookin' all over for ya. Let's go over to the Seamen's and I'll buy us a beer and tell you all about it.
- Sam Tucker: Brother, I'm with you anytime you'll buy me a beer.
- Sam Tucker: Them machines of yours, and they're fine, I realize that, but, you sure can't eat 'em. Once in awhile you gotta have a hunk of beef and few ears of corn to fill up your belly. Oh, you city folks are mighty smart. But, I'm afraid without us farmers, you'd get kinda skinny.
- Tim: And without us workers, I just wonder what'd happen to you all. Your plow, she sure didn't grow on no tree. And your gun that you feed your bunch with in the winter, you didn't plant no seeds to get that. Someday like, I hope you get you a tractor. Where do you reckon that'll come from? Believe me, friend, it takes all kind to make up this whole world. You love your farm. It's right you stay. I like to work in a factory.