Earle Hodgins credited as playing...
Don Quixote 'Ipso-Facto' Martindale
- Joe Green: I tell you, Parker, I filed my claim according to regulation. This Matt Johnson's a claim jumper!
- Trent Parker: You say you filed a claim, but I have no record of it in my book, Mr. Green. There it is in black and white. The lot you say is yours is recorded by Mr. Matt Johnson.
- Joe Green: Then this record book don't tell the truth.
- Trent Parker: Are you accusing me of being crooked?
- Don Quixote 'Ipso-Fact' Martindale: Ah, let me handle this matter, my friend - I am a lawyer. Yes sir, I will get out a writ of habeus corpuscles. I will nully contender that man Johnson.
- Don Quixote 'Ipso-Fact' Martindale: Maybe we're not as half as bad off as we think we are.
- Mrs. Green: We couldn't be any worse off. Why the menfolks haven't even got a vote.
- Don Quixote 'Ipso-Fact' Martindale: If we can prove our cases against those claim jumpers, then they will be the illegal residents.
- Chad Stevens: In the meantime, Flint will be running the new county as Sheriff.
- William Hardy: If there were only some way these folks could establish legal residence.
- Don Quixote 'Ipso-Fact' Martindale: Oh, yes, but there isn't. I just wrecked, or at least I wracked my brains to think of something. I even read one of my own lawbooks.
- Don Quixote 'Ipso-Fact' Martindale: I tell you, I will take this case to the Supreme Court. Even higher!