Both Margaret Lockwood and Patricia Roc were brought back to Gainsborough to re-shoot some of their scenes with less revealing décolleté versions of their wardrobe (appropriate for the era portrayed). Despite this, The Wicked Lady (1945) was the very first British film to be cut by Hollywood censors due to leading lady Margaret Lockwood's still remaining revealing cleavage. It was a problem Jane Russell also had in "The Outlaw" (1943). TCM sometimes airs the original, uncensored version on its USA cable network. Margaret Lockwood said "We had to do nine days of re-takes to satisfy the censor on that film and it all seemed very foolish." Mason said "I don't like it now," referring to the film after the changes.
Valerie White was originally cast in the role of highwayman Capt. Jerry Jackson's doxy. The actress developed appendicitis and Jean Kent took over the part. The first scene in which the character appears, Lockwood breaks into the room and Mason is in bed with her; it is White's back one sees.
Came ninth in the UK's Ultimate Film, in which films were placed in order of how many seats they sold at cinemas
Maurice Ostrer reportedly wanted to make a sequel but this was vetoed by J. Arthur Rank who had taken over ownership of Gainsborough studios. In 1950, it was announced Arliss had written a sequel, "The Wicked Lady's Daughter", but it was never made.
During the ice skating sequence on the Thames, two cockatoos are shown in a cage. Cockatoos are unique to Australia which hadn't been discovered in the era depicted.