Ian Wolfe credited as playing...
Prof. Hopkins
- Prof. Hopkins: Do you know what zombies are?
- Mike Streger: No, I don't.
- Jerry Miles: I'm not too sure.
- Prof. Hopkins: They are the living dead!
- Worthington: [Panicking] Oh, me, oh, my!
- Prof. Hopkins: Worthington, come back here!
- Worthington: Then please don't say that livin' dead stuff, boss. I'm one of the livin' livin', but you givin' me the feelin' that if I stayed here, I'm goin' to be one of the dead dead.
- Prof. Hopkins: His name was Dr. Renault, Dr. Paul Renault. Over twenty-five years ago, he went to the only place where zombies were known to exist - on the island of San Sebastian, one of the smaller Virgin Islands, but I haven't heard from him since.
- Mike Streger: Oh, we don't want to disturb him, do we Jerry?
- Prof. Hopkins: I don't know if he's alive or dead, but if he's alive, he can tell you what you want to know. Go to San Sebastian - Paul can help you.
- Jerry Miles: What's this Paul like... if he's alive?
- Prof. Hopkins: A great scientist. Yes, some people say he is crazy. I don't think he is crazy... well, ah, not very crazy, anyway.