Ann Richards credited as playing...
Henryetta Alcott
- Henryette Alcott: I'd advise you to remove that star.
- Sheriff Mark Rowley: Well, thanks, but I think I can take care of myself.
- Henryette Alcott: The life expectancy of a sheriff can be very short in Quinto.
- Sheriff Mark Rowley: I, uh, see that you've been made the favorite.
- Belle Starr: Oh, it's not me. It's my horse Beauty, He's everybody's favorite.
- Henryette Alcott: Of course, good luck.
- Belle Starr: Wanna make a little side bet with me, Sheriff?
- Sheriff Mark Rowley: What f'rinstance?
- Belle Starr: Oh, money, or marbles... or moonlight.
- Sheriff Mark Rowley: [Turning his head] Suppose we just make it a dollar and a half.
- [Tips his hat and leaves]
- Henryette Alcott: I'm trying to bring some order because I want schools, ranches, churches, hospitals, a courthouse, and a flag. Is there anything wrong with that?
- Sheriff Mark Rowley: Nothing except the way you're goin' about it, You may start a local revolution. You can't clean up Quinto with printer's ink, and you can't do it alone.
- Henryette Alcott: [Referring to the plunging neckline on her dress] Meg, you don't think it's cut too low, do you?
- Meg: [Sarcastically] It'll never choke you to death.