Keenan Wynn credited as playing...
Warren Haggerty
- Warren Haggerty: Do you want me to kill myself, Gladys?
- Gladys Benton: Not until you change your insurance.
- Curtis Farwood: You fired him.
- Warren Haggerty: Yes, and I'd do it again. Spending half his time with chorus girls and the other half trying to get away from them. A vaudeville actor turned newspaperman trying to run this paper. Thought he knew more.
- Curtis Farwood: And He was right!
- Warren Haggerty: But he's still the only man I know that women can't resist.
- Curtis Farwood: All right, then, get him. Get him!
- Curtis Farwood: What's Chandler doing in Denver?
- Warren Haggerty: Same thing he always does - but in a higher altitude.
- Curtis Farwood: What do you propose to do?
- Warren Haggerty: Well, she's a girl and, despite all reports, probably human. I'm gonna throw a man at her.
- Curtis Farwood: Men have been at Connie Allenbury for years.
- Warren Haggerty: Yes, yes, at her feet. But I'm going to throw this guy at her head.
- Curtis Farwood: Are you suggesting a frame?
- Warren Haggerty: I'm suggesting nothing. But you've gotta get to this girl and I've got the guy who specializes in dames.
- Warren Haggerty: What's she suing for?
- Curtis Farwood: Two million dollars.
- Warren Haggerty: She's nuts! Two million dollars? Why, a dame's whole anatomy is only worth 98 cents - boiled down.
- Warren Haggerty: Have you ever said to a redhead, "So long, it's been nice knowing you"?
- Spike Dolan: So long? I've never even said hello to one.
- Warren Haggerty: Well, you keep it that way.
- William Stevens 'Bill' Chandler: Now, here's the plan. The Allenburys are in Mexico City. I'll take a plane down there, register at the same hotel, meet the girl. Perhaps she comes to my room.
- Warren Haggerty: What?
- William Stevens 'Bill' Chandler: Just for a cocktail, of course. All perfectly innocent to her, to me, to everybody at the hotel - except to our private detective who wires my wife.
- Warren Haggerty: You got a wife?
- William Stevens 'Bill' Chandler: Well, not of my own, but we'll hire some attractive girl to marry me.
- Spike Dolan: Maybe he's dead.
- Warren Haggerty: It would be just like that guy to drop dead at a time like this.
- William Stevens 'Bill' Chandler: Not bad.
- Warren Haggerty: Not bad at all.
- William Stevens 'Bill' Chandler: Nice legs.
- Warren Haggerty: You keep her legs out of it.
- William Stevens 'Bill' Chandler: They come with her, don't they?
- Warren Haggerty: Everything will be all right. You in there, he's in here. A door in between. Locked!
- Gladys Benton: Warren Haggerty, are you willing that I should stay here - your fiancée, the girl you love?
- Warren Haggerty: Will you please not worry, Gladys? I trust him like a brother.
- Gladys Benton: Well, he's not my brother.
- Warren Haggerty: What do you think I was gonna pay you $50,000 for, to make love to my girl?
- William Stevens 'Bill' Chandler: If the necessity arose, yes.