This was the first of the short-lived (three films) "Gas House Kids" series. It was released by P.R.C. in the hopes of duplicating the success of the "Dead End Kids," "East Side Kids" and the then currently highly successful "The Bowery Boys" series at Monogram. The series is best remembered today for the presence of former "Our Gang"/"Little Rascals" star Carl Switzer ("Alfalfa").
One of the criminals is named "Shadow Sarecky," a friendly jab at prolific P.R.C. producer Barney Sarecky.
This film is not a short. But, in 1950, Official Films made a 20 minute version EDITED from the 71 minute theatrical film and made a 16mm home market version called "The Sidewalk Kids." And, by site rule, it is a different film and should have a listing of its own. Perhaps the contributor who incorrectly added it to this site page will add it as a "a new film" and submit it and only list what is left of the original 1946 cast after 51 minutes have been cut out.