S.Z. Sakall credited as playing...
- Phil Gayley: Luigi!
- Luigi: What?
- Phil Gayley: Nancy's here.
- Luigi: With who?
- Phil Gayley: With me. How do I get into these jams?
- Luigi: It's a gift.
- Phil Gayley: I don't care about Nancy. But I don't want her to start making a scene. You know how she is.
- Luigi: Sure. You take a girl out to dinner two or three hundred times and right away she thinks you're interested in her.
- Flip Gayley: I'm not going home. I'm gonna live in Luigi's back room and scrub floors and eat bread and water and Luigi will beat me.
- Luigi: Me? Beat you? Hmmm.
- Police Lieutenant: You told us your name is Willie Schmidt. Then why does the kid call you Luigi?
- Luigi: Well, well you see, when I bought my restaurant, the name on the sign in the front was "Luigi's." And it was cheaper to change my name than to buy a new sign.
- Luigi: This would never happen in the Old Country.
- Phil Gayley: What Old Country?
- Luigi: Any Old Country.