- Susan: He was a ladykiller. But don't get any ideas. I ain't no lady.
- Police Lt. Joe Warne: I like that alibi. It's round, it's firm, it's fully packed. Only I don't buy it.
- Police Lt. Joe Warne: Tell me, uh, why did you kill him?
- Frances Ransom: Which one?
- Police Lt. Joe Warne: Keith Vincent.
- Frances Ransom: Oh, wasn't he supposed to have killed himself?
- Police Lt. Joe Warne: We happen to have a different idea.
- Frances Ransom: "We" being a certain inspector of police?
- Police Lt. Joe Warne: "We" a certain lieutenant of police.
- Frances Ransom: Inspector or lieutenant they mean the same thing to me: wrinkled neck tie, messy clothes, big feet.
- Police Lt. Joe Warne: I haven't got such big feet.
- Frances Ransom: I wouldn't be interested.
- Police Lt. Joe Warne: I suppose not... it'd take somebody like Vincent.
- Frances Ransom: [to Joe on movie set] Now why don't you hop on your scooter, sonny boy, and blow. I've got to emote!
- Police Lt. Joe Warne: How do you know I'm not a detective?
- Miss Madison, the dance instructor: Don't be silly! Who ever heard of a detective with his hat off!
- Pat: [trying to push through the apartment door] Well, baby, it's been a nice evening.
- Frances Ransom: [holding him back] Why not let it stay that way? Good night!
- Police Lt. Joe Warne: [waiting inside apartment] That's as good a block as I ever saw. Ever thought of trying out for the Green Bay Packers?
- Police Lt. Joe Warne: He had money, Dolores, a nice house. Only he apparently decided he needed a little more ventilation. So he put a hole through his head.
- Olsen - Police Photographer: Why can't a pretty girl bump herself once? Gets monotonous making pictures of men all the time!
- Police Lt. Joe Warne: Since when are they springin' people like you, Annabell?
- Susan Flanders: Seems they were afraid the house would get dirty - what with all the cops and bodies all over the place.
- [in his apartment, Joe Warne is shown leaving after his mother has just prepared dinner for him. As he's leaving, he looks at his mother]
- Police Lt. Joe Warne: If I'm not back by twelve, mail it to the city jail.
- [Joe turns and leaves the apartment]
- [first lines]
- [as the film starts, a man can be seen playing a piano. This is Keith Vincent]
- Keith Vincent: Alright, Dolores, I have been avoiding you. I've been working, trying to finish this song. Besides, I didn't feel like seeing you. Making nuisances of yourself the last couple of weeks. Telephoning, waiting outside my house. But it isn't going to do any good, we're finished.
- [Vincent turns to face a woman who is sitting on a nearby chair]
- Keith Vincent: I've had girls before.
- [Vincent points at a picture of a woman on his wall]
- Keith Vincent: That one was half-Spanish.
- [Vincent returns to playing his piano]
- Keith Vincent: Followed me all over South America, I wrote this for her.
- [Vincent looks at another picture on his wall]
- Keith Vincent: I met her in Sun Valley.
- [plays his piano again]
- Keith Vincent: This one will be yours.
- [plays another tune on the piano]
- [Keith Vincent can be seen writing at his piano]
- Keith Vincent: How would it be if you went away for a while, Angel? Up to the mountains or to Palm Springs? Meet people? Have a good time?
- [Vincent sings a few notes as he continues writing]
- Keith Vincent: You need any money, I'll be glad to help...
- [a flash can be seen, followed by the sound of a gunshot. Vincent slumps to the floor]