- Rocky: Why, it's Mugsy! Don't look at me like that, Mugsy! I'm your pal, Mugsy, your buddy pal! Yeah!
- Bugs Bunny: [as Mugsy] It's coitains for ya, Rocky! Coitains!
- Rocky: No! Not that!
- Bugs Bunny: Coitains, do ya understand, coitains! Here!
- [Bugs places a pair of curtains on Rocky's head]
- Rocky: Aw, they're adorable.
- Bugs Bunny: You're safe now, Doc. The police are gone.
- Rocky: Yeah? Which way did they go?
- Bugs Bunny: That way.
- Rocky: [Running out the window] Help, police! Don't leave me here with that crazy rabbit! Help!
- Bugs Bunny: Some people can't take it, see? Nyah! Nyah! Nyah!
- [as Hugo is driving them out to the country]
- Bugs Bunny: What a glorious night! Say, why don't we stop somewhere for a hamburger?
- Rocky: I'm giving you two seconds to give me the dough, see?
- Bugs Bunny: Okay, okay! But first, I need you to close your eyes.
- Rocky: Yeah, why?
- Bugs Bunny: Because I don't want you to see where it's hid.
- Rocky: Oh, all right. I'll count to then but I want you to give me the dough, see?
- Bugs Bunny: Don't worry, brother. I will.
- [as Rocky counts, Bugs goes to the kitchen and prepares a bowl of bread dough]
- Rocky: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Now give it to me!
- [Bugs hits Rocky on the face with the dough]
- [Bugs has Rocky hiding in a trunk while he fakes a police raid]
- Bugs Bunny: [as policeman] Where's Mugsy? Where's he hiding?
- Bugs Bunny: I'm telling ya he ain't here.
- Bugs Bunny: [as policeman] Oh, yeah? He's in that trunk.
- Bugs Bunny: Now, look. would I do this if Rocky was in there?
- [Sticks a sword into the trunk]
- Bugs Bunny: Would I also have the temerity to do this...
- [Sticks another sword into the trunk]
- Bugs Bunny: ... if my bosom chum was encased therein?