As the projectionist hand cranks the projector which is on a shaky tripod, the projector wobbles noticeably, but the image on the screen is steady.
After Helen first fetches the ether from the bathroom cabinet, she leaves the bathroom without closing the cabinet door. No one goes back to do anything with it, and seconds later the cabinet door has closed itself.
After Blanche has an argument with Steven, she goes into Helen's room to talk to her. Whilst Helen is packing her suitcase, she takes a picture frame off the nightstand and lays it on the bed twice.
When Helen gets off Dr Parry's buggy to let the boy on, she is standing with her arms by her side. However, she now has them crossed in the next immediate cut, which is a long shot.
In the long conversation between the old lady and her son by the bed (half an hour into the film), he is seen from one angle to clutch her arm, and from another angle both her arms are free - alternately throughout the scene.
When Helen first walks up the main staircase, she pauses to look at herself in the mirror. In the next shot as the camera slowly rolls backwards, she is still looking in the mirror, but there is no reflection of herself (just a painting designed to look like mirror).
SPOILER:Mrs. Warren is presented as bedridden yet, when Helen is searching for the gun she checks the entire room - though this may suggest that she already knows her employer is not such an invalid as she makes out.
The silent film showing at the Village Hotel is extremely scratched and flickery. This is as the print would be in 1945, but at the time the film is set it should be rather cleaner and less damaged.
Shadow of camera can be seen on the wall of Blanche's bedroom when she goes to talk to Helen.
The film leads the audience to suspect Steve as the murderer. On one occasion he lies to the Constable about being in the house when the murder of the crippled woman occurs. On another occasion, he was outside walking around in the heavy thunderous rain when another murder was committed. Although Steve turns out to be innocent, the film never explains what Steve was doing outside in the first place, especially during the heavy thunderstorm.