Geraldine Fitzgerald credited as playing...
Crystal Shackleford
- Crystal Shackleford: [to Johnny and Arbutny] Perhaps you've both heard the Chinese proverb you can only trust love only if there's nothing to be gained by it.
- Jerome K. Arbutny: I'll stay and witness your miracle as you call it. If it happens at midnight, we have only five minutes to go.
- Jerome K. Arbutny: That gives us just time to make our wish.
- Jerome K. Arbutny: Wish?
- Crystal Shackleford: Yes, I mentioned that Kwan Yin would not only open her eyes but her heart as well. Whatever we ask for she will grant.
- Johnny West: Oh, that's the kind of lady I like.
- Crystal Shackleford: The only difficulty is it has to be the same wish for three of us.
- Johnny West: What could that possibly be?
- Crystal Shackleford: I've been thinking about it for several days. You see, the wish I had my heart set on isn't one that I could possibly expect strangers to share, but I found the solution. What I wish can make all others come true.
- Jerome K. Arbutny: Eh?
- Crystal Shackleford: It's very simple... money.
- Johnny West: Money? That's all right with me although I think you slightly overestimate its power.
- Jerome K. Arbutny: No, I have no objections to money. How much do you suppose the Chinese lady can be, uh, touched for? Two thousand pounds?
- Johnny West: Well, that's a very trifling amount, but, eh, I think I can use it.
- [He turns out his pockets and they are empty]