Penny Singleton credited as playing...
Blondie Bumstead
- Dagwood Bumstead: Blondie! Hey, Blondie! Hey! I'm gonna graduate! I passed! I passed English!
- [he and Blondie celebrate wildly]
- Paul Madison: How'd you do it? With Mirrors?
- Dagwood Bumstead: No. Is that the way you did it?
- Paul Madison: Smart, aren't you?
- Dagwood Bumstead: Oh, I don't think so. But I'll get by - 'specially if Blondie's with me.
- [they hug]
- Paul Madison: Even Blondie couldn't help you. Don't you know yet, you're the class dimwit, the guy voted most likely to flop? You'll never be able to hold a decent job, let alone get one.
- Blondie Bumstead: You keep quiet, Paul Madison. You may be the brightest boy in the class but I'll bet you anything that Dagwood'll go further than you!
- [the group laughs]
- Blondie Bumstead: Well go on - laugh. All of you. But you mark my words - Dagwood'll be a success. 'may take him five years, ten years, fifteen, twen' - well he'll get there you wait and see.
- Dagwood Bumstead: Blondie's right. I'll be a success. You wait and see. Just you wait and see. Wait and see!