- Frank Sinatra Canary: [after pouring 'Foamo Seltzer' into the water where Sylvester drinks through the running vacuum cleaner attached to his mouth] Listen to him fizz.
- Sylvester: Guess who?
- Bing Crosby Parrot: Well, now, that's a shame, son. But don't you worry a bit. Now, here's the best idea...
- Sylvester: Well, now wait a minute! I've got an idea this time.
- Frank Sinatra Canary: [singing] ... as time goes by.
- Sylvester: [singing in parrot's voice] And when two lovers woo, they still go ba-ba-boo, on that you can rely... Ah, there's nothing like vitamins.
- Bing Crosby Parrot: Now, lookie here, friend. Foraging around in that backyard buffet out there isn't exactly conducive to one's health.
- Sylvester: Um, why not?
- Bing Crosby Parrot: No vitamins. There's just no vitamins, friend.
- Sylvester: V-vitamins? Well, how do you get vitamins?
- Bing Crosby Parrot: I'm glad you asked me that, son. By a strange coincidence, I'm in a position to help you. Now here's the idea: all you have to do is sneak around to the back door. I'll let you in.