It took Greer Garson dozens of takes to enunciate the word "No" to the director's satisfaction. Co-star Robert Mitchum claimed later that this incident was when he first stopped taking Hollywood seriously.
During one scene, a huge wave swept Greer Garson and co-star Richard Hart along the jagged rocks of the Monterey coast, inflicting bruises, cuts, and back problems on Garson that would require many surgeries and hospital visits in the following months and years.
Film historians tend to cite this film (regarded as the worst film made by MGM up to that time) as the point where Loew's Inc. chairman Nicholas Schenck lost confidence in Louis B. Mayer's leadership. Schenck would soon bring producer Dore Schary back to the studio from RKO and groom him as Mayer's replacement.
George Cukor and Mervyn LeRoy were among a number of directors who worked on this film without taking credit, leaving the film with no director's credit.