Ernst Pittschau credited as playing...
Herr Koehler - Il padre
- Eva: Did you get the Number 2 Card?
- Edmund: No, they kicked me out because I'm not fifteen yet.
- Il padre: I knew that would happen. Still, I'm glad you're not going anywhere. That's too much work for a boy your age.
- Edmund: But it would have meant more to eat. For Karl-Heinz, too.
- Il padre: Did you hear that, Karl-Heinz? You know that poor Edmund, at his age, can't support all of us. He's still a child. But you, what do you do? You keep hiding. You didn't even register for a food card.
- Edmund: It wasn't my fault. I was with other boys.
- Il padre: Enough! I don't want to hear any lies!
- Eva: He didn't mean any harm, Papa. He wanted to get something to eat.
- Il padre: I'll do without.
- Karl-Heinz: Me, too. I'd rather die of hunger.
- Eva: Easy for you to say.
- Il padre: I can't stand it anymore, here in this bed.
- Il padre: If only your mother were still alive, but she was taken from me too. Everything's been taken from me. My life savings by inflation, my sons by Hitler. I should have rebelled against it, but I was too weak, like so many of my generation. We saw disaster coming and did nothing to prevent it. Only now do we see the consequences. Now we're paying for our mistakes. All of us, me just as much as you. We just have to acknowledge our guilt. Just complaining accomplishes nothing.