- Dr. Davis: You have a complete amnesia?
- The Amnesiac: Complete... those six weeks are a total blank... Bob, is it possible that I was out of my mind when I got married?
- Dr. Davis: That's the time most people do it.
- Dr. Davis: You don't even remember your honeymoon?
- The Amnesiac: Honeymoon? I don't even remember saying, "I do!"
- Dr. Davis: You don't?
- The Amnesiac: No, I don't. And what's more I don't even know if I did!
- Amy Atkins: Is Rochester very far from here?
- Major: Rochester, New York?
- Amy Atkins: Well, is there another one?
- Major: There's Rochester, Minnesota.
- Amy Atkins: Two cities with the same name? I suppose this country's so big they ran out of names.
- Lois Evans: See you at dinner.
- The Amnesiac: But, darling, I told you the boys are giving me a bachelor dinner tonight.
- Lois Evans: Oh, darn it. Can't I go?
- The Amnesiac: No, it's a hundred percent stag. They'll just kid the pants off me and pull a lot of practical jokes.
- Lois Evans: Ooh... sounds ghastly.
- The Amnesiac: Well, let them have their fun. They were single once.
- The Amnesiac: Well, the kids aren't mine. I'm positive.
- Dr. Davis: Oh, come on, Johnny. Only a fool says their positive.
- The Amnesiac: Are you sure about that?
- Dr. Davis: I'm positive.
- The Amnesiac: [Tipsy] You ever have amnesia?
- Bartender: I haven't had Magnesia since I was a kid.
- The Amnesiac: Not Magnesia. Amnesia.
- Bartender: What's that? Natures spelled backwards?
- The Amnesiac: Amnesia is the loss of memory. You don't know who you are or what you're doing.
- Bartender: [Points to the drink] One more of those and you won't know who you are or what you're doing.
- Mrs. Tubbs: Fifty thousanad of our good British girls, 'e says, married American GIs. Lend-Lease is alright in its way, but are we lendin' our girls, or are they leasin' their boys.