- Lord Chief Justice: Slavery in the colonies or the gallows here? Speak up, girl! Which is it to be?
- Abby: [Resignedly] Slavery, My Lord.
- Martin Garth: The King's Law moves with the King's muskets, and there are very few King's muskets west of the Alleghenies.
- John Fraser: Pittsburgh is like a hen sitting on more coal than than she hatch in a thousand years. Cook the iron with that coal and what have you got - steel! Why, that town will sprout into a city of maybe four or 5000 folks.
- Shopkeeper at the ball: You can't burn my place! It took me two years to build that store!
- Capt. Christopher Holden: It'll take you all eternity to grow a new scalp.
- John Fraser: I don't know what the Good Lord was about when he made a female out of a perfectly good rib.