Ted North credited as playing...
Steven Francis Howard
- Steven Francis Howard: Quite a large party, isn't it?
- Althea Keane: Would you like to meet anyone?
- Steven Francis Howard: No.
- Althea Keane: It's not very appetizing. It's Victor's birthday. Once a year his friends crawl out of the woodwork.
- [Sarcastically]
- Althea Keane: This year it's a SURPRISE party!
- [Lights cigarette]
- Althea Keane: Will he be surprised to see you?
- Steven Francis Howard: [He takes her hand with the lit match] I like matches. You never have to refill them...
- [He pulls her hand toward him to light his own cigartte]
- Steven Francis Howard: ... and when you're through with them, you simply throw them away...
- [He blows out the match]
- Steven Francis Howard: ... like people.
- Steven Francis Howard: You don't look like you could deny yourself anything
- Althea Keane: I generally get what I want
- Althea Keane: [noticing Steve's interest in the portrait of Mathilda] You seem interested.
- Steven Francis Howard: Fascinated. You know, it's very much like Montreux in his middle period. Who painted it?
- Althea Keane: My husband... in his sober period... before he married me.
- Althea Keane: [Steven Howard, looking at a painting of a woman] You seem interested.
- Steven Francis Howard: Fascinated. You know, it's very much like Mateo in his middle period. who painted it?
- Althea Keane: My husband, in his sober period. Before he married me.