Reginald Owen credited as playing...
Hillary Bellaire
- Hillary Bellaire: Olga!
- Olga Chekaloff: All right, all right, I know, my cap's on crooked.
- Hillary Bellaire: Good heavens, what next?
- Olga Chekaloff: Meatballs!
- Hillary Bellaire: What a household. Servants butting in, telling you how things should be done.
- John Fleming: Well, after all, they represent the masses. Do you know what I mean by the masses? People who are not actors. There are dozens of them and they come in very handy at the box office. Strangely enough, if they don't like a show, the show closes. Moliere, if you remember, used to ask the advice of his cook.
- Diana Bellaire: Only a woman suffers as a woman can - quietly, deeply, bravely.
- Hillary Bellaire: I wrote those lines too.
- Judy Bellaire: I've got to tell somebody and Mummy won't listen.
- Hillary Bellaire: All right, bunch of sweetness, get it off your chest.
- Diana Bellaire: Anyway, the trouble isn't with the acting, its where Sylvia steals Jerrold away from me. The audience won't believe it. Not for a moment!
- John Fleming: And why? Because you insisted upon Hillary making Sylvia your sister instead of your daughter.
- Diana Bellaire: He had to make her my sister. I couldn't have a daughter that old.
- Hillary Bellaire: But, she is your daughter, isn't she?
- Diana Bellaire: Oh, don't evade the question!
- Judy Bellaire: You can't hold me down! I'm going up! Up! Up!
- Hillary Bellaire: You bet you're going up! Up, up to your room and stay there! Do you know what's going to happen to you, young lady? You're going to be sent to a place where there isn't any jazz! To - to-to - where isn't there any jazz?
- Diana Bellaire: I'm sure I don't know, dear.
- Hillary Bellaire: Anyway, you're going there. Now, up to your room!
- Olga Chekaloff: Mr. Bellaire, the monkey men are here.
- Hillary Bellaire: The monkey men? What the devil do we want with monkey men?
- Diana Bellaire: We need another monkey. The one we rehearsed with last night, bit poor, dear Jerrold.
- Hillary Bellaire: Good! I'll give the monkey a run of the play contract. Send the monkeys away.
- Olga Chekaloff: Yes sir. Ders one thing ve don't need in dis house, it's more monkeys.