I Met My Love Again (1938)
Henry Fonda: Ives Towner
Julie Weir : I'm right here.
[she kisses him]
Ives Towner : Gosh, that's... Julie, do you mean...?
Julie Weir : [she nods]
Ives Towner : Are you sure you mean it?
Julie Weir : It wasn't just an impulse, Ives. I love you. I love you and I couldn't stand it any longer. I thought you'd never kiss me. Five years on the same road and it just came over me. There! Had to say it quickly or never.
Ives Towner : O, 'lie, I can't believe it. More than I ever expected. Julie... Julie...
Julie Weir : Oh, I do mean it, Ives. Let's go to Upton and get married. Today. Shall we? Shall we?
Ives Towner : You really would?
Julie Weir : Of course I would. Come on. I dare us to get married.
Ives Towner : I couldn't now. I'm not anybody yet.
Julie Weir : What's that got to do with it, you silly?
Ives Towner : It's got everything to do with it. Everything. I want to be important enough for you. And, Julie, if you wait for me, I will be. Maybe I'm just young and foolish but I want our love to be something different. Something great. Something... holy. Julie, you will wait for that?
Julie Weir : Yes, I'll wait for that. But Ives, don't make me wait any longer if you're ever going to kiss me.