- Dr. Wegert: Miss Holm, it's been a long time since I performed an operation like this and then it was to help the unfortunate victims of war. I made an exception for you, because I knew you were unhappy and I wanted to give you a chance. If I've succeeded in changing your outward appearance, remember, only you can change your inner self.
- Mrs. Wegert: I've behaved badly, Georg. Both towards you and, I suppose, I'm being punished for it now.
- Mrs. Wegert: Isn't this blackmail?
- Nyman: Blackmail is an ugly word.
- Mrs. Wegert: But not unfamiliar. I take it?
- Nyman: Not at all.
- Mrs. Wegert: Don't you have a conscience? A heart?
- Nyman: My conscience is a bit modern, I admit, but I do have a heart and it understands youth and beauty very well. But this is business and 5,000 isn't much. Keeping a husband's trust is surely worth more than that.
- Anna Holm, aka Anna Paulsson: Doesn't she have everything a woman wants? Isn't she admired, loved, adored? Wasn't she beautiful?
- The Count: Torsten, what do you think of my cigarettes?
- Torsten Barring: Excellent. Thank you.
- The Count: They're tax free. I imported them myself.
- Anna Holm, aka Anna Paulsson: What's it to you? It's my face! It's none of your business! I know I'm a monster.
- Magnus Barring: For 40 years, you've been in my service, and you've been impertinent for all of them. Will that continue?
- Emma: I hope so, for both our sakes.
- Lars-Erik Barring: Did you like toys when you were little?
- Anna Holm, aka Anna Paulsson: I never had any.
- Lars-Erik Barring: Really? Why not?
- Anna Holm, aka Anna Paulsson: Nobody cared to give me any.
- Lars-Erik Barring: I guess you weren't a good girl then.
- Anna Holm, aka Anna Paulsson: Driving horses seems just as difficult as driving a car.
- Wickman: Just as difficult? Yes, holding a steering wheel and stepping on a pedal is difficult. No, driving four horses, that's an art.
- Dr. Wegert: What will you do?
- Anna Holm, aka Anna Paulsson: I don't know. I don't dare think about the future. I'm worried it will always be like this. My past will catch up to me like a shadow.
- Dr. Wegert: Let's agree on one thing. Nothing has existed before this moment. The future begins now.