Walter Pidgeon credited as playing...
Richard Thurlow
- Richard Thurlow: I haven't made a red cent out of photography. It's just a hobby with me.
- 'Buzz' Mitchell: Oh, hobby, eh?
- Richard Thurlow: Uh-huh.
- 'Buzz' Mitchell: Expensive hobby.
- Richard Thurlow: Oh, somewhat.
- 'Buzz' Mitchell: [Prying more] Well, your real worth must be something then.
- Richard Thurlow: Say, would it disillusion you terribly to learn that I practice law?
- 'Buzz' Mitchell: [Excited and relieved] Law?
- Richard Thurlow: Well, now, don't take it so much to heart. I'm liable to make a buck or two out of this thing, you know.
- 'Buzz' Mitchell: But I think It's wonderful you're a lawyer. I think it's swell!
- Richard Thurlow: Then everything's all right then. Say would you tell me something?
- 'Buzz' Mitchell: Sure! Anything
- Richard Thurlow: Never in all my life have I had such a concentrated and flattering interest in my romantic, uh, professional and uh, uh, financial affairs.
- Richard Thurlow: [Seeing the little boy in his Daniel Boone outfit aiming at a family of skunks with his bow and rubber-tipped arrow] Hey, hey, hey! Wait a minute.
- Billie Wingate: What's the matter?
- Richard Thurlow: Whatever you do, don't shoot now.
- Billie Wingate: Why?
- Richard Thurlow: Skunks!
- Billie Wingate: Aw, they are not. They're beaver too.
- Richard Thurlow: Do beavers have stripes on their tails?
- Billie Wingate: Striped ones do.
- Richard Thurlow: But there's no such thing as striped beavers.
- Billie Wingate: Aw, there is too. I saw one yesterday. I'm gonna get my mother a striped beaver coat!