This film begins with a thoroughbred horse by the name of Black Knight winning several prestigious races and netting a hefty sum of money of his owner "Mrs. Peggy Garth" (Maude Eburne). For her part, Mrs. Garth graciously uses that money to help build a children's hospital which only requires another $50,000 to finally complete. Unfortunately, just when it appears that she will soon have the necessary funds, Black Knight is kidnapped right before an extremely important race--and the ransom price puts the entire children's hospital at risk. The scene then shifts to the Three Mesquiteers capturing a beautiful wild stallion they name Mesquite and taking him back to their ranch to integrate into their herd. Along the way, they are spotted by the local police who mistake them for the kidnappers of Black Knight--and from that point on the Three Mesquiteers become involved in the search for the missing thoroughbred to return to its rightful owner. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was a pretty standard Western movie which was limited to a certain degree by the rather unrealistic plot. For starters, I don't believe that there are too many professionals in the horse racing business who could mistake a quarter horse for a thoroughbred, regardless of its color. Never mind the fact that the quarter horse typically wouldn't beat a thoroughbred in a distance over half a mile--especially considering the substantial lead given to the thoroughbreds in question. But that's Hollywood for you. Likewise, I didn't particularly care for the light-hearted comedy in this picture either. In any case, although I don't consider this to be a bad film necessarily, it didn't quite rise to the standard set by most of the other films in the series, and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.