Oliver Hardy credited as playing...
Oliver Hardy
- Cheese Factory Propietor: Now I've an idea.
- Stan, Oliver: You've an idea?
- Cheese Factory Propietor: I'll buy the whole business for five thousand cool.
- Oliver: Why for you're being so generous, we'll throw in our mule.
- Stan: You can't do that, Ollie, don't be such a fool.
- Oliver: It's my idea!
- Cheese Factory Propietor: It's a splendid idea.
- Oliver: It's just an idea of my own.
- Cheese Factory Propietor, Stan, Oliver: It's just an idea. A splendid idea. It's just an idea of my own.
- [Stan harmonizes in a baritone voice]
- Oliver: Well, this is your idea. Coming all the way from America to Switzerland to sell mousetraps. Whatever gave you that idea?
- Stan: Well, I thought there'd be more mice here than anywhere.
- Oliver: And just why should there be more mice here than anyplace else in the world?
- Stan: Well, don't they make more cheese here?
- Anna Albert: You're so sweet.
- Oliver: Thank you.
- Anna Albert: And I've never thanked you helping me get into this hotel.
- Oliver: Well, it was a mere nothing combined with a terrific pleasure.
- Stan: You know what you ought to do? If you play your cards right, you've got her right in the palm of your hand.
- Oliver: Tell me some more, Stanley.
- Stan: There's nothing to tell. All you got to do is go and let her know.
- Oliver: But, you don't understand. This is my first love affair - and I don't know how.
- Stan: Say, why don't you do like the gay caviars used to do in the olden days.
- Oliver: The what?
- Stan: The caviars!
- Oliver: Caviars? What did they do?
- Stan: Well, when they were in love, they used to go by the light of the moon, and they used to serenade their lady fair.
- Oliver: But suppose she's in love with someone else?
- Stan: Faint heart, ne'er won, fair lady.
- Oliver: If you love me, Like I love you, I'd love you better, Than Irish stew. Boo-boo-be-doo!
- Anna Albert: Oh, your poetry's so very touching.
- Oliver: Thank you.
- Stan: Yeah, I wrote that, didn't I.
- Oliver: I wonder if you'd give me a - chance to take you to the Alpine Fest tomorrow?
- Anna Albert: The Alpine Fest?
- Stan: Yeah, it's gonna be a big holiday, isn't it?
- Oliver: Yeah! All the countryside gathers here for merrymaking. They'll be gypsy fortune telling, dancing and song.
- Oliver: Ladies and gentlemen, with your kind permission, we will introduce, the greatest prima donna that ever trilled a cantata! Romany Rose!
- Anna Albert: [singing] If you should read, Within my eyes, But one desire, Could you say no to me...