- Charles Gilbert: [after hearing Gahagan slurping his soup] How did you find your soup?
- Gahagan: Oh, I just looked into the dish and there it was and it was swell.
- Torchy Blane: Hmm. So, I heard.
- Gahagan: [about his betting system] Okay, I'll tell it to you, but yuh gotta keep mum.
- Torchy Blane: I'll be very secree-tive.
- Gahagan: I don't care about that, but yuh gotta keep it mum.
- Police Captain McTavish: I'll get the newspapers to play ball. Steve, keep away from Torchy until this thing is over.
- Steve McBride: I'll do that, Cap.
- Tom Brennan: Have a cigar.
- Gahagan: Oh, thanks. "Colorado Cabaggio"
- Tom Brennan: "Colorado Cubana"
- Gahagan: Oh, yeah. My Greek ain't so hot. I'll smoke it a little later. Nothing like a good cigar. It reminds me of a poem I once wrote: "When your head is all a muddle, And noise is all ajar, And you got no one to cuddle, You'll get a joy in a cigar." Not bad!
- Tom Brennan: Well, not good.
- Gahagan: Yeah, but not bad.
- Gahagan: Swell guy, that Brennan.
- Steve McBride: What did he do kiss you?
- Gahagan: Huh?
- Police Captain McTavish: Say, where did you get that lipstick on your face?
- Gahagan: Lipstick? It must've come from that dame that kissed me.
- Steve McBride: Listen, Gahagan, when the Captain sends you on an important errand, you're not supposed to stop and play kissin' games.
- Gahagan: I didn't stop. And, anyway, it wasn't me she thought she was kissin'.
- Torchy Blane: So, they've got you muzzled. Well, listen, big boy, they're not gonna muzzle me. I'm a newspaper woman with a set of old fashioned morals and ethics that tell me I have an obligation to my readers. I'm gonna crack this Gilbert case and if you don't print this story I'll take it to a paper that will!
- Gahagan: I'll tell you how it works. First, I concentrate. Sort of, go into a trance. Then I make me mind go blank.
- Torchy Blane: That should be very easy.
- Gahagan: Make my mind go blank? It's the easiest part of the system.
- Gahagan: Remember, keep my system to yourself. Only me and you and Steve know anything about it.
- Torchy Blane: Did you let Steve in on it?
- Gahagan: Oh, sure. But, you know Steve. I think the system is a little too much for his mental fatality.
- Torchy Blane: [at the racetrack] Hello, stranger.
- Police Captain McTavish: Oh, hello Torchy. What are you doin' here?
- Torchy Blane: I came out to interview a horse; but, he's like the police department - he won't talk.
- Steve McBride: [at the racetrack] Been over to the hundred dollar window?
- Tom Brennan: I got orders to stay away from the hundred dollar window.
- Steve McBride: From Washington?
- Tom Brennan: No, from my wife.
- Tom Brennan: I'll smoke it later. Nothing like a good cigar after dinner.
- Gahagan: That's right. Reminds me of a poem...
- Tom Brennan: I heard it!
- Gahagan: That's right. You did.
- Charles Gilbert: Say, I just had a little fun, ditching McBride's girlfriend.
- Gloomy: Listen, boss, if that dame gets in your hair, I'll wash her out.
- Charles Gilbert: Oh, Gloomy. When you've been with me for awhile you'll learn to solve your problems with brains instead of bullets.
- Gloomy: Yeah, well, I don't like any dames go gumshoeing around.
- Gloomy: Gee, this is a nerve-racking business. As soon as this job is finished, I'm going to pick out a nice, quiet, little home on an island, far, far away.
- Charles Gilbert: Well, just be sure it's not Alcatraz.
- Steve McBride: Listen, Torchy, what's the idea of tailing Mr. Gilbert?
- Torchy Blane: So, he's been telling tales to teacher, huh?
- Steve McBride: Listen! You'll keep out of it, if I have to frame a charge and throw you in jail!
- Torchy Blane: Oh, swell. Then I'll have you pitched for false arrest and maybe they'll put us in the same cell. Wouldn't that be ducky!
- Gahagan: Oh, Torchy!
- Torchy Blane: What's the matter?
- Gahagan: Oh, I feel a poem comin' on: "If my job I should lose, You can blame a dame, You can't blame booze, And I'll tell you where to put the blame, Upon the head of Torchy Blane."
- Maxie: I don't like it, Torchy. Now, Bailey isn't supposed to be a killer. But, if he's cornered, he'll bite and scratch like the other rats.
- Torchy Blane: Well, this cat can do a little scratching on her own, too, you know.
- Charles Gilbert: Well, Miss Blane.
- Torchy Blane: Hello, Mr. Gilbert.
- Charles Gilbert: Come in. What a persistent pursuer.
- Torchy Blane: It's the ink in my blood, I guess.
- Torchy Blane: Steak! Oh, you must have known I was coming.
- Charles Gilbert: So, you are partial to steaks, Miss Blane?
- Torchy Blane: Aw! It's the fondest thing I is of.
- Charles Gilbert: We'll detain only until I finish my little job at the track.
- Torchy Blane: And when will that be?
- Charles Gilbert: Well, that depends upon another charming and unpredictable member of your sex: Lady Luck.
- Mr. Schmidt: But, Mama, I can go alone. I don't need a dog.
- Mrs. Schmidt: But, maybe the Lieutenant wouldn't believe you. This policemans wants evidence and Blitzen is the evidence. Now go!
- Mr. Schmidt: Ya-ya. Blitzen, that's the trouble with us. You are living my life and I am living yours.
- Steve McBride: You popped off about Torcy likin' steaks. I may be a dumb dick, Bailey; but, I know I never told you anything about that.
- Torchy Blane: [upon learning she and Gahagan are to be bound and gagged] Maybe I shoulda married Steve and had babies?