Basil Rathbone credited as playing...
Sherlock Holmes
- Sherlock Holmes: Whatever Watson has found out, you'll know inevitably. I have unbounded confidence in his lack of discretion.
- Sherlock Holmes: You've a magnificent brain, Moriarty. I admire it. I admire it so much I'd like to present it pickled in alcohol to the London Medical Society.
- Professor Moriarty: That would make an interesting exhibit. Holmes, you've only now barely missed sending me to the gallows. You're the one man in England clever enough to defeat me. The situation has become impossible.
- Sherlock Holmes: Have you any suggestions?
- Professor Moriarty: I'm going to break you, Holmes. I'm going to bring off right under your nose the most incredible crime of the century and you'll never suspect it until it's too late. That will be the end of you, Mr. Sherlock Holmes. And when I've beaten and ruined you then I can retire in peace. I'd like to retire; crime no longer amuses me. I'd like to devote my remaining years to abstract science.
- Sherlock Holmes: The nose of the police dog, although long and efficient, points in only one direction at a time.
- [last lines]
- Sherlock Holmes: Very effective, my dear Watson!
- Doctor John H. Watson: Elementary, my dear Holmes, elementary.
- Sherlock Holmes: I've decided to accept your case, Miss Brandon. I shall help you all I can.
- Ann Brandon: Oh, thank you.
- Jerrold Hunter: We don't want your interference, Mr. Holmes.
- Sherlock Holmes: I interfere whenever and wherever I like, Mr. Hunter.