Clarence Nash credited as playing...
Donald Duck
- Donald Duck: [Donald heard the sound of knocking] All right! All right! I'm comin'.
- [the voice grew stronger]
- Donald Duck: Aw, phooey!
- [got up and went to the door which Gus the Goose hit him repeatedly as Donald screamed]
- Donald Duck: [surprising Gus] What's the big idea? Scram!
- [Gus was about to leave when he handed a letter from his mother to Donald]
- Donald Duck: [surprised] Huh? What is this?
- Donald Duck: [after reading the letter, more politely] Well... cousin gus! How are you ya?
- [held out his head as Gus reached and shaked frantically for being so pleased]
- Donald Duck: Ahhh! RaRaRa!
- Donald Duck: [took the barking hot dog] This will fix him.
- Donald Duck: [smiled] Nice doggie, do your thing.
- Donald Duck: Come and get it!
- [as Gus quickly came back excitedly]
- Donald Duck: [after Gus gulped the hot dog down] Ha-ha-ha!
- Donald Duck: [driven Gus away] Good-bye! Ha-ha-ha!
- [locked the front door, delighted]
- Donald Duck: What?
- [heard the blood-curdling noise from the back door, and discovered Gus backed again and ate cold lunch]
- Donald Duck: [frustrated] Oh, phooey!