Gaslicht (1940)
Frank Pettingell: Rough
Rough : I really am a remarkable man. It's my memory. They shall have it for the museum when I die.
Rough : Do you mind if I take my coat off? I always work better with my coat off. Saucy shirt, isn't it?
Paul Mallen : Who are you?
Rough : Just a figment of your wife's imagination.
Paul Mallen : How did you get in here?
Rough : Interesting thing about us ghosts - we don't have to bother with doors.
Rough : Thank Heavens you're not his wife.
Bella Mallen : Not his wife?
Rough : No, he was married to another woman long before you, and she's still alive.
Paul Mallen : You break into my house and go through my desk!
Rough : Which both you and I know contains the evidence that you are Louis Bauer.
Rough : Was I a part of this curious dream?