- Guru: You seem to think warfare an English invention. Have you never heard of Chandragupta Maurya? He slaughtered all the armies left in India by Alexander the Great. India was a mighty nation then while Englishmen still dwelt in caves and painted themselves blue.
- Guru: Oh Thugs lift up your faces to the light that shines from Kali's throne.
- Thuggees: Kali.
- Guru: Oh brothers of Thuggee we are defenders of this earth. An immense hand is against us. We have been kicked, spat upon and driven to the hills like wild pigs. My father was a thug and he was hanged. His father was blown from the cannon's mouth. And what of your kinsmen, your fathers and their fathers and their father's fathers before them? Oh my brothers a new day is at hand. I have read the omens and they are good. Three nights ago a jackal screamed up on the left, another answered from the right at once.
- Thuggees: Kali.
- Guru: What does that mean my brothers? It means that mother Kali with all her arms outstretched hugs us to her bosom. Welcoming us back as Thugs, Thugs awakened from a sleep of 50 years. Let the neophytes and their teachers draw near. Where are the stranglers?
- Thuggees: [Thuggees respond in Hindi]
- Guru: Give them their strangling cloths.
- Thuggees: Kali.
- Guru: Give them their burial picks.
- Thuggees: Kali.
- Guru: Swear by our mother Kali to be thrice faithful to her and to me and to our order and to all of us.
- Thuggees: [Thuggees pray in Hindi]
- Guru: Rise, our new-made brothers. Rise and kill. Kill, lest you be killed yourselves. Kill for the love of killing. Kill for the love of Kali. Kill! Kill! Kill!
- Thuggees: [Thuggees cheer]
- Colonel Weed: [speaking over Gunga Din's body] And here's a man of whom the regiment will always be proud. According to regulations, he had no actual status as a soldier. But those of us who had the privilege of serving with him today, knows that if ever a man deserved the name and rank of soldier, it was he. So I'm going to appoint him a corporal in this regiment. His name will be written on the rolls of our honored dead. And I...
- [falters, clears throat]
- Colonel Weed: Let me see that last part again, will you Mr. Kipling?
- [Rudyard Kipling hands Col. Weed his writing, regimental bugler begins to play solemnly over mass grave as Col. Weed reads the final lines]
- Colonel Weed: "So I'll meet him later on, at the place where he is gone, where it's always double drill and no canteen. He'll be squatting on the coals, giving drink to poor damned souls, and I'll get a swig in hell from Gunga Din. Yes, Din! Din! Din! You Lazarushian-leather Gunga Din! Though I've belted you and flayed you, by the living God that made you, you're a better man than I am, Gunga Din."
- Sgt. Archibald Cutter: You're mad!
- Guru: Mad? Mad. Hannibal was mad, Caesar was mad, and Napoleon surely was the maddest of the lot. Ever since time began, they've called mad all the great soldiers in this world. Mad? We shall see what wisdom lies within my madness. For this is but the spring that precedes the flood. From here we roll on. From village to town. From town to mighty city. Ever mounting, ever widening, until at last my wave engulfs all India!
- Sgt. Archibald Cutter: Eight feet away from where I'm sitting, right here, there's enough gold to make me sole owner and proprietor of a pub as big as the Crystal Palace. Best pub in Hampshire.
- Sgt. Archibald Cutter: Now get me some tools. Something to rip these blinking bars out.
- Gunga Din: Already bring all tools could find. Is this satisfactory, sahib?
- [holds up a fork]
- Sgt. Archibald Cutter: Look... What do you think I want to break out of - a bloomin' pudding? Now go on, get something big.
- [Din returns with an elephant]
- Sgt. Archibald Cutter: What are you doing, Din?
- Gunga Din: The large tool you asked for, sahib.
- Sgt. 'Mac' MacChesney: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Cutter, you ain't leaving this village without my permission. Give me that bottle.
- Sgt. Archibald Cutter: MacChesney, I've been a soldier for fourteen years. I know my duties as well as you do. But you're not talking to a soldier now, you're talking to an expedition. I'm an expedition!
- Sgt. Archibald Cutter: Now you're all under arrest. Her Majesty's very touchy about having her subjects strangled.
- Colonel Weed: [reading from the poem by the journalist, Rudyard Kipling] "Though I've belted you and flayed you / By the living God that made you / You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din."
- Gunga Din: The salute satisfactory?
- Sgt. Archibald Cutter: That's the idea. Only... you want these fingers to fan the eyebrows more like this.
- [makes a salute]
- Sgt. Archibald Cutter: The breeze from them fingers oughta almost blow these eyebrows off. Now try it again.
- [Din salutes, Cutter smiles]
- Sgt. Archibald Cutter: Very good. Very good indeed. Eh... That one almost blew your turban off, didn't it?
- [Sgt. Cutter confronts the Thugs in their stronghold]
- Sgt. Archibald Cutter: Well if it ain't young toadface. Fancy meeting you here.
- Guru: Vile dog! For that insolence you shall grovel before my son. You shall grovel, I say!
- Sgt. Archibald Cutter: Look here! I'm a soldier of her Majesty, the Queen. I don't grovel before any 'eathen.
- Guru: Tabul, take him to the tower and teach him the error of false pride. Take him away!
- Sgt. Thomas 'Tommy' Ballantine: The trouble is you don't want a man for a husband! You want a coward who will run out on his friends! Well, thats not me, never was, and never will be. I don't care how much I love you! And I do very much. I'm a soldi... I mean I'm a man first!