- Grandpa Squirrel: Oh, it was awful. It was terrible! Well, they fought and they fought and they fought, until... until there was only two of them left.
- [two soldiers in gas masks are seen on a battlefield amid smoke and barbed wire; each soldier shoots the other and goes down, sinking into mud]
- Grandpa Squirrel: ...And that was the end of the last man on earth.
- Grandpa Squirrel: [woodland animals have entered a ruined church, with an owl perusing the opened bible] I was just a little shaver at the time, and I asked the wise old owl - I says, "What does that mean, Mr. Owl?" and Mr. Owl says, "'Thou shalt not kill'... hmm, looks like a mighty good book of rules, but I guess them men didn't pay much attention to it."
- Grandpa Squirrel: Goodwill to men; yeah... yeah - goodwill to men... Goodwill to men.
- Baby Squirrel 1: What are men, Grandpa?
- Baby Squirrel 2: Yeah, Grandpa - what are men?
- Grandpa Squirrel: Eh? Huh? What's that?... Oh - oh, yes: Men. Well, heh heh heh heh - there ain't no men in the world no more, sonnys. Heh heh - nope, no more men. But, as I remember the critters, they was, uh... well, they was like monsters. They wore great big iron pots on their heads. They walked on their hind legs, and they carried terrible-looking shootin' irons, with knives on the end of them! And their eyes flashed, and they had tremendous big snoots - like this, that curled down and fastened onto their stomachs.
- Baby Squirrel 2: [he pokes one boy in the stomach] Ooh! Oh, Grandpa! I'm glad there ain't no more men around!
- Baby Squirrel 1: [whistles] Gosh! Me, too!
- Grandpa Squirrel: I never could figure 'em out. They was the orneriest, cussedest, dag-nab tribe of varmints I ever did see. Why, they was always a-fightin' - and a-feudin', and a-shootin' at one another. They'd no sooner get one argument settled, than they'd find somethin' else to fuss about. If it wasn't one durn thing, it was another. When they couldn't think of nothin' else to wrangle over, the flat-footed people started a-shootin' at the buck-tooth people, and the vegetarians began to fight the meat-eatin' people, and you couldn't make head nor tail of it!
- [first lines]
- Caroling Squirrels: Peace on earth, goodwill to men / Peace and joy let us restore / Peace on earth, goodwill to men / Peace on earth forevermore.
- [last lines]
- Grandpa Squirrel: Yes, peace on earth. Heh heh - yessiree, peace on earth.
- Grandma Squirrel: [singing, rocking boys to sleep] Sleep in heavenly peace...