Charlie McCarthy credited as playing...
- Charlie McCarthy: Nobody's going to find me after the show.
- Whipsnade: Yes they are. You'll be hanging in my window as a Venetian blind.
- Charlie McCarthy: That makes me shutter.
- Whipsnade: Quiet or I'll throw a woodpecker on you.
- Edgar Bergen: For my next experiment, I will saw the little maharaja in half.
- Charlie McCarthy: I'm a victim of sawcumstances.
- Whipsnade: Good afternoon, Charles, my night blooming jasmine. my nostrils quiver at your pointed aroma.
- Charlie McCarthy: Oh, thank you. That's quite a compliment - considering the size of his nose.
- Edgar Bergen: Ladies and gentlemen, for my first experiment, I want to call your attention to this mystic cabinet.
- Charlie McCarthy: Mystic hooey.
- Edgar Bergen: This cabinet is entirely unprepared.
- Charlie McCarthy: So are you.
- Edgar Bergen: It consists of three walls
- Charlie McCarthy: - and a false bottom. You can see it right down there.
- Charlie McCarthy: You will be careful, won't you? Baba?
- Princess Baba: Yes, my little lamb.
- Charlie McCarthy: Oh, Baaaba, I want to be your black sheep.
- Edgar Bergen: Do you want to look at yourself?
- Charlie McCarthy: I don't care how I look.
- Edgar Bergen: You look very cute.
- Charlie McCarthy: [Looking in a mirror at himself in blackface] I don't, I don't care how I, how I, doggone - is that me? Well, I will shut my mouth. Say, you know I do look kinda cute.
- Edgar Bergen: Yes, you do.
- Charlie McCarthy: Say, you little rascal, you. Sha-sha-sha-sha-sha-sha-sha-sha-shaaaa...
- Edgar Bergen: And you will be sweet to Whipsnade?
- Charlie McCarthy: I'll be more than sweet. I'll be sickening.
- Edgar Bergen: I see.
- Charlie McCarthy: I'll even go so far as - uh oh - speak of the polecat and there he is.