Eve Arden credited as playing...
Jane Wilson
- Jane Wilson: Probably the government's decided that from now on all foreign correspondents must be blindfolded and lead around by seeing-eye dogs.
- British World Press Attendee: Ha-ha-ha.
- Jane Wilson: 'Anything to keep the truth out' is their motto.
- Emil Von Hofer: Please, Miss Wilson, do not speak for me. I am not complaining against the Russian government.
- Jane Wilson: My dear Van Hofer, a German journalist is not in the position of complaining against the absence of truth anywhere.
- British World Press Attendee: Quite you are, Miss!
- Emil Von Hofer: [Offended] Excuse me!
- British World Press Attendee: With pleasure, old boy.
- Jane Wilson: You can trust me, Mac. I won't let on to the bride what a rat you are. That she must find out for herself!
- Mac Thompson: Hello, honeybun. Miss me?
- Jane Wilson: No, I can always go to the zoo when you're away.
- Mac Thompson: Oh, I've got rivals, huh?
- Jane Wilson: A fine world press we are. We can't even send out a weather report without having it censored.
- Jane Wilson: Hey, you really missed something at the Kremlin this morning, Mac.
- Mac Thompson: Yeah, how is the old Kremlin?
- Jane Wilson: Same old rat trap. Full of stuffed shirts, double-crossing the masses. Someday the people are gonna get wise and take it apart brick-by-brick.
- Jane Wilson: Okay, Mac, I never minded anything you did. Not even when you walked out on me in Tokyo for a bow-legged geisha girl.
- Mac Thompson: She loved me!
- Jane Wilson: Oh, I just can't get used to you as a no-good, incompetent party boy!
- Mac Thompson: Yes, she's very smart.
- Jane Wilson: To marry MacKinley B. Thompson, that's not smart, that's wizardry! Well, congratulations, my dear. I didn't think it could be done without a police warrant.
- Theodora: You are a sweetheart?
- Jane Wilson: Oh, relax honey. I'm one of the alumni.
- Jane Wilson: Don't get nervous, honey. We're all safe inside this room. We can take our ideals out and play with them.
- Jane Wilson: Just heard you were back. Our colleague, Herr Von Hofer, is raising the roof downstairs. Claims you kicked him out.
- Mac Thompson: Aw, it's a lie. I started shooting at some rats, and Von Hofer took it personally.