Lou Marcelle credited as playing...
- Narrator: Traveling southward back into the states, we were fortunate in photographing this tense drama of animal life: a ferocious bobcat about to pounce upon and devour this poor helpless little weakling, a baby quail. With muscles tense and ready to spring, the marauding killer comes closer and closer to this tiny, shivering little creature, so defenseless, so harmless. Only a baby! Poor little...
- Bobcat: [roars and gets ready to pounce, but then falls to the ground in tears] I can't do it! I can't! I can't go through with it! I can't! I can't!
- Narrator: Cross Country Detours, this is the fantastic place for animal life and scenic wonders of our country. First, in California, we find one of the most beautiful of national parks: Yosemite, known to many a traveler. Tourists are often tempted to feed the tame bears in the park.
- [first lines]
- Narrator: We now take you on a nature tour, and we'll attempt to show you interesting animal life and scenic wonders of our country. First, in California, we find one of the most beautiful of national parks: Yosemite, known to many a traveler. Tourists are often tempted to feed the tame bears in the park.
- Bear: [hits a tourist over the head and shows him a sign that says, "Please do not feed the bears"] Listen, stupid! Can't you read?