Donald Duck: Oh boy oh boy! It's all finished.
[Donald Duck looks at Pluto the dog]
Donald Duck: Uh oh, my first customer. Hey Pluto! You are going to get a bath! A real bath!
[Donald Duck shows Pluto the bath machine, Pluto gets scared, rejects, ignores Donald and crawls away fast]
Donald Duck: Hey Pluto! Come here!
[Donald whistles and runs after Pluto and pounces on his back. Pluto wrestles with Donald and Donald carries Pluto on his back]
Donald Duck: Hey! Doggone mutt. What you need is a darn bath. Doggone mutt.
[Donald mutters and Pluto flips Donald over so walks away and carrying Donald instead. Donald is shocked and grabs Pluto's tail and Pluto runs away]
Donald Duck: Hey! What's the big idea?
[Pluto dives into his doghouse and Donald bounces off the doghouse]
Donald Duck: So! Come out! Come out!
[Pluto shakes his head no]
Donald Duck: Oh no? So, you want to be obstante.
[Pluto shakes his head and turns his doghouse facing away with his tail sticking out]
Donald Duck: What! I'll fix him!
[Donald runs back to the bath machine]