Marianne Aminoff credited as playing...
- Kerstin Norbäck: Didn't it go as you expected?
- Nickan: He's a real scoundrel. He just wanted to seduce me. And I loved him so much. So much. And he got a raise. But he doesn't care about me. Not in the way that matters. Only in an obscene way. He was terribly obscene. And just think if I had my own room. All to myself. Like you do. I don't know what would have happened. If only he loved me!
- Fru Nilsson: I know what you're up to. You stand there on the stairs, kissing and climbing all over them.
- Nickan: I do not.
- Fru Nilsson: You should be ashamed. They don't even care for you.
- Nickan: Ah, blah, blah, blah, blah...
- Nickan: No, Willy.
- Willy Wilson: Nickan, I'm crazy about you. Can't I come up with you?
- Nickan: No!
- Willy Wilson: Yes, I must kiss you.
- Nickan: No, Willy.
- Willy Wilson: A real kiss. It's just up the stairs. What are you afraid of? Everybody does it. It's not dangerous. Nickan.
- Nickan: At least tell me you love me. Do you, by the way?
- Willy Wilson: Nickan, I can't be without you. You drive me crazy. I can't control myself. We'll be quiet. Can't I come upstairs? Don't be silly, Nickan.
- Nickan: You're insane. You know I have a roommate.
- Kerstin Norbäck: I don't think you should hate her. At the age of 19 after working all day, you don't have the energy to hate like this at night. Go to bed instead.
- Nickan: How am I supposed to sleep?
- Kerstin Norbäck: Get your pillow and blanket and sleep on the couch. That way you won't be alone. I'll talk to you.
- Nickan: Can I sleep here instead? If I can lie here and read, perhaps I'll fall asleep.
- Kerstin Norbäck: Come on then.
- [Kerstin welcomes Nickan into her bed]
- Nickan: Next time I'll wear the girdle under and my panties over. The skirt looks better like that.
- Fru Nilsson: No. No, you shouldn't wear a girdle at all. Fritjof says men hate flat - you know.