Helen Westley credited as playing...
Mrs. Frazier
- Mrs. 'Ma' Frazier: Did you enjoy your season in Buffalo, Mr. Williams?
- Mr. Williams: Oh, very much. Good audiences, nice theatre.
- Daisy Dawn: I always found the Buffalo people most hospitable to the members of our stock company.
- Mr. Williams: The women did make rather a fuss over me, but then it helps business.
- Daisy Dawn: I must say the men made rather a fuss over me too when I used to go to the Sticks for summer stock.
- Mr. Clifton: Did you have much trouble with the Indians in those days?
- Mrs. 'Ma' Frazier: Toledo. Played it in '76 with my third husband, Leo Snitz. Faces: queer, quaint and quizzical. Harrigan and Hart were on the bill with us. That was show business then. Nothing like it any more. The theatre's dead!
- Mrs. Leslie Carter: What a nice room!
- Mrs. 'Ma' Frazier: Best room in the house. Lots of fine actors and actresses have slept here. Don't misunderstand me. I run a very respectable house. I don't stand for any monkey business and don't forget it.