George Sanders credited as playing...
Simon Templar • The Saint
- Clarence 'Pearly' Gates: I just wish I knew your angle, Saint. Whose side are you on.
- Simon Templar: I'm on my own side.
- Clarence 'Pearly' Gates: Where does that put me?
- Simon Templar: That depends. If you were cleverer than you look, you'll be on my side.
- Clarence 'Pearly' Gates: But I never squealed on anyone in my life.
- Simon Templar: If you don't start now, you'll never have another chance.
- Simon Templar: Rocky is still at his night club.
- Inspector Henry Fernack: Now, wait a minute, Simon. Why can't I go to a nightclub? I'll not be party to any rough stuff.
- Simon Templar: [Dismissively] You toddle off to bed like a good boy. These denizens of iniquity are no place for a respectable married man. I'll just drift into Rocky's gin palace and see what's going on.
- Simon Templar: What have you got there?
- [Reading newspaper story]
- Simon Templar: New York Police Inspector cries "Foul!" Etc., etc. John Henry Fernack of the Homicide Bureau unable to explain the source of $50,000 found in his safe
- [Simon smiles slightly]
- Simon Templar: ... so and so forth.
- Ruth Summers: Could have said he won it on a horse or roulette or something.
- Simon Templar: Fernack is much too honest for that.
- Ruth Summers: ...or too stupid.
- Simon Templar: Well, let's drink to him anyway. Seems to me he'll need more than that. Maybe he needs a guardian angel.
- Ruth Summers: Or a patron saint.
- Ruth Summers: What are you going to do?
- Simon Templar: That, darling, is the big problem of the moment.