Ann Sheridan credited as playing...
Lee Donley
- Lee Donley: [picking up a cigarette dropped by Gloria] I believe this is how the Chicago fire got started.
- Gloria Anderson: The Chicago fire was started by a cow.
- Lee Donley: History repeats itself.
- Lee Donley: [to Nick] I don't want to put you out. I'll take in washing for my room and board.
- Wally Davis: [slightly laciviously] Well, I got a couple of buttons that could stand sewing.
- Lee Donley: [sarcastically] Shirts, I suppose.
- Gloria Anderson: I'll lend you some night clothes. I think we have an old cot, I'll have it put up. If you don't mind primitive accommodations.
- Lee Donley: No, I don't mind. Up in San Antonio, I slept on a cot all the time.
- Gloria Anderson: The army, I presume.
- Lee Donley: You should know.
- Mr. Steve Case: [walking in while Lee and Nick are kissing] Necking like a couple of high school kids!
- Lee Donley: [wisecracking] You interrupted a post-graduate course.
- Lee Donley: I know you. You're the kid who used to tie firecrackers on dog's tails.
- Steve Case: Yeah, and I just did it again.
- Gloria Anderson: Nick, come into the house and let me fix your shoulder.
- Lee Donley: [to Gloria's husband] Touching little drama entitled, "The Nurse's Curse or Florence Nightingale Among the Bananas".
- Nick Butler: Oh, Lee, if you see Case, give him a kiss for me.
- Lee Donley: Not even a foreign general would kiss that guy!
- Lee Donley: Why don't you send that mind of yours out and have it dry-cleaned.
- Nick Butler: What's the use? Look at the company I'm in.
- Lee Donley: You won't be for long!
- Lee Donley: [as Gloria enters] Here comes Malicious.
- Nick Butler: Can that talk!
- Lee Donley: Well, some days a girl can't make a cent!
- Gloria Anderson: I don't imagine you have any trouble.
- Lee Donley: Why do you malk around making noises like a lady? All a guy has to do is wink and he hits the jackpot.
- [Gloria turns around and leaves]
- Steve Case: Where do you think you're going?
- Lee Donley: New York. Maybe, Chicago.
- Nick Butler: Make it New York.
- Gloria Anderson: But, Nick, aren't you going to Chicago?
- Nick Butler: Sure.
- Gloria Anderson: Oh, I get it!
- [looking at Lee]
- Gloria Anderson: You finally stepped down to your own level!
- Lee Donley: That's still about three floors above you.
- Nick Butler: Come on, hand over that dough.
- Lee Donley: What are you talking about?
- Nick Butler: The three hundred bucks you clipped me for last night.
- Lee Donley: Well, I never tagged you for a bad loser.
- Nick Butler: And I never tagged you for a phony shuffle either.
- Lee Donley: Now, wait a minute, Mister. You've got yours all off the top. I just had the run of luck.
- Nick Butler: I know that kind of house luck. Now, hand it over!
- Lee Donley: I haven't got it.
- Nick Butler: Haven't got it, huh? Want me to turn you upside down and shake it out of you?
- Wally Davis: Can I stand here and watch?
- Lee Donley: Look, I haven't got it. I hid it in town last night.
- [Nick picks Lee up, turns her upside down, starts shaking her up and down]
- Lee Donley: All right, all right, handsome. Put me down! I'll give it to you!
- Lee Donley: Hi, Mr. Garcia. It went over big, didn't it?
- Garcia: You were wonderful, Señorita! But, you are fired.
- Lee Donley: What's the big idea of giving me the hustle?
- Steve Case: We don't want American girls entertaining in Puerto Aguilar. It causes trouble.
- Lee Donley: Look, Mister, you got me wrong. I can handle these sun-kissed Romeos. All I wanna do is earn a few bucks and I'll be on my way.
- Steve Case: You're on your way right now.
- Daniels: Migrate sister.
- Lee Donley: Pick up my luggage, porter, and go easy with it or you don't get a tip.
- Daniels: Tote 'em yourself, lady.
- Lee Donley: Once a gentleman, always a gentleman.
- [Daniels grabs her arm]
- Lee Donley: Say, wise guy, stop trying to prove the hand's quicker than the eye. Don't get the idea you can kick me around. I'll let you have one! You push me one more time, you'll wear this suitcase as a necklace.
- Daniels: That'll land you right in the brig. Now, come on, this ain't no tea party.
- Steve Case: Looks like you're on your way, sister.
- Lee Donley: All right, Case. This time, you have the winning hand. But don't forget, Cutie, comes a new deal and I might have the cards.
- Steve Case: Sure, if you deal them, you will. So long, babe.
- Lee Donley: Come on, boys. We're in bad company.
- Nick Butler: Hello. I'm Nick Butler, chairman of the entertainment committee. Can we depend upon you for our shuffleboard tournament?
- Lee Donley: I'm afraid you play a little rough.
- Nick Butler: I can ease off for the ladies, Miss...
- Lee Donley: Donley, Lee Donley. Thanks for taking care of my centipede friend.
- Nick Butler: I'll be seeing you later.
- Lee Donley: Going all the way?
- Nick Butler: Right to the end of the line.