Frank McHugh credited as playing...
Mr. Upjohn
- Mr. Upjohn: Just to think, I tried to sell that ruffian life insurance.
- Olaf Swenson: Oh, he wasn't as tough as my last wife.
- Mr. Upjohn: Pardon, I didn't know you were married.
- Kerry Bradford: Married? Only four times.
- Olaf Swenson: Five!
- Mr. Upjohn: All insured, I hope.
- Mr. Upjohn: The war! The war! When I think of all those brave boys on the battlefields. So many of 'em! It's bad for business, you know.
- John Murrell: What is your business, Mister?
- Mr. Upjohn: Life Insurance! Perhaps I could interest you in a policy?
- Olaf Swenson: What about you, little man? Will you have a drink?
- Mr. Upjohn: A drink? Moosehead, when I come out of that saloon I'd be so teetotally tight that if I live to be 108 years old I'll die with a hangover.