Kay Kyser credited as playing...
Kay Kyser
- Kay Kyser: [Looking about the room cluttered with many exotic bric-a-brac] Who decorated this room - Robert Ripley?
- Kay Kyser: [to a contestant] Now, wh-what;s the difference between a weasel, an easel, and a measle? What's a measle? Go ahead and break out with it.
- Kay Kyser: We have our business and you have your business.
- Prince Saliano: [Affronted] Please do not refer to my calling as a business.
- Kay Kyser: Oh, no offense, I just meant that everybody has to stick to his own racket.
- Prince Saliano: [Insulted] Racket? Do you dare to suggest that the practice of the occult sciences is a racket?
- 'Prof. Karl Fenninger': Do not merely suggest it, Mr. Kyser. Insist upon it.
- Chuck Deems: Oh!
- Kay Kyser: What's the matter?
- Chuck Deems: Something flew in my eye!
- Kay Kyser: I wish it was the plane for Los Angeles.