Bad Man, The (1941)
** (out of 4)
OK, try to follow this and I'll try to make sense out of it. A rancher (Ronald Reagan) and his uncle (Lionel Barrymore) are about to lose their ranch to a greedy banker (Henry Travers) after a bandit, Pancho Lopez (Wallace Beery) steals their cattle. The bandit soon learns that the rancher is the one who saved his life years earlier so he wants to do good and that includes hooking him up with the woman (Laraine Day) he loves but who is married to another man (Tom Conway). This western/comedy is rather hard to judge because it tries to do so much in its short running time but by the end of the movie the laughs had turned dry and I found myself getting rather bored. When you've got two scene chewers like Beery and Barrymore you'd expect something more and in the end this film just didn't deliver enough. I found the best thing to be Barrymore who is a hoot in his role, which really seems to have influenced Yosemite Sam. I'm not sure if the Looney Tune character was based on Barrymore's work here but it really seems like it. The two act very much the same way, use similar words and even have close to the same accent. Barrymore is downright hammy, in a good way, and you can't help but laugh at him constantly embarrassing and poking fun at Reagan. Reagan, Day and Conway add nice support but they have a hard time breaking through all the scene chewing by the two other leads. I was somewhat disappointed in Beery and his bad Mexican outfit even though I haven't seen VIVA VILLA!, which apparently this is somewhat spoofing. This was the fourth version of this film, including a 1937 version with Boris Karloff but it didn't impress me too much. The great cast will have people turning in to watch but to me only Barrymore was worth it.